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The Science of Suffering: How Napalm Causes Catastrophic Damage

By Shivani kohli

Nothing approaches the horror of Napalm in weapon design history. Naplm is feared for its terrifying warfare effects, especially during the Vietnam War. This paper delves into the scientific mechanism of naplm, its operational methodology, and the catastrophic injurious effects on both humanity and environment.


What is Napalm?

The mixture of naphthenic and palmitic acids is mixed with gasoline. This will produce a thick, sticky gel which burns very hotly. The resulting substance is called napalm.

Types of Napalm

There are two main types :

  1. Napalm-B: Though, this type was developed during the Vietnam War and goes by the name Super Naplm; it is thicker, burns more fiercely, and longer because of polystyrene, benzene as well as petrol incorporated into it.
  2. Original Napalm: This was made up of aluminum soap and gasoline and originated during World War II.

How Napalm Works

Naplm manufactures are to attach surfaces and incinerate at very elevated temperatures. Here it is broken down on how it works:


  • Thickening Agents: Thickening Agents, they make napalm adhere to surfaces, including skin. In Napalm-B, the thickening agent is polystyrene.
  • Fuel: primarily used is gasoline to make the fire burn fiercely and widely. 
  • Ignition: after being lighted naplm burns at temperature between 800 and 1200 degrees Celsius (1500 to 2200 degrees Fahrenheit.)

Delivery Methods

Napalm can be delivered in various ways:

  • Bombs: A wide area is soaked with incendiary napalm by bombs dropped from aircraft.
  • Flamethrowers: Specific locations or enemy positions are targeted by ground troops utilizing flamethrowers

Effects of Napalm

The effects of naplm are catastrophic and wide-ranging, impacting both human health and the environment.

Human Health Impact

Burns and Injuries

Naplm burns are particularly severe due to the high temperatures and the stickiness of the gel:

  • Thermal Burns: Naplm’s thermal burns cause deep damage to muscles, tendons, and bones.
  • Respiratory Damage: High temperatures from naplm may result in extreme respiratory system damage, which lasts over a long period or leads to fatal suffocation.
  • Psychological Trauma: Apart from the physical effects, naplm survivors have psychological traumas which could accompany them their entire lives; with typical consequences as post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD).

Immediate Effects

When naplm touches skin, it sticks and burns right through flesh. This causes immediate excruciating pain, while dehydration can result from the heat and hence rapid shock.

Long-Term Health Effects

Survivors can suffer from:

  • Chronic Pain: Due to extensive nerve damage.
  • Scarring and Disfigurement: Napalm burns are known to cause serious scarring and physical disfigurement .
  • Infections: Burn injuries are highly likely to be infected and this can hinder healing and increase mortality rates.

Environmental Impact

Destruction of Vegetation

Napalm is highly effective at destroying vegetation:

  • Deforestation: Large parts of the forests and crops are being burnt causing habitat loss and disappearance of biodiversity.
  • Soil Sterilization: The hot temperature is high enough to make the soil sterile for long period destroying its fertility and capacity to feed plants.

Water Contamination

Napalm contains chemicals that can mix with water, making it dangerous to drink or grow plants with.

Air Pollution

People in affected zones may have difficulties with their breathing when they inhale smoke due to the use of naplm, which is a deadly chemical used for military purposes and releases dangerous gases into atmosphere causing air contamination.


Historical Use of Napalm

Napalm has been used in several conflicts, with its most notorious use being during the Vietnam War.

World War II

Allied forces were the first to use napalm during World War II, which they used in flamethrowers and incendiary bombs to flush out entrenched enemy positions and ruin enemy infrastructure.

Korean War

Napalm was broadly utilized in order to eliminate enemy soldiers and distribution lines throughout the Korean War due to its wide-ranging capability in terms of causing all-round damage, to a point where it was deemed as a potent weapon even though it sparked off serious debates among various quarters.

Vietnam War

The Vietnam War saw the most extensive use of naplm. It was used to:

  • Destroy Jungle Cover: Naplm was used to burn away dense jungle, exposing Viet Cong hideouts and supply routes.
  • Psychological Warfare: The fear of napalm attacks demoralized enemy troops and civilians alike.

Infamous Incidents

Napalm has had its darkest day when it was used to launch an air raid on Trang Bang village in 1972. Trang’s name now symbolizes all that is wrong about this war thanks to Kim Phuc who ran away from that airstrike.

The Science of Suffering: How Napalm Causes Catastrophic Damage

The use of nap-alm has been the subject of intense legal and ethical scrutiny.

International Law

Geneva Conventions

Limiting naplm in civilization is against international law. Encourage against napalm.

United Nations

The utilization of napalm, specifically against noncombatants has been condemned by the UN; moreover, several of its resolutions have demanded the prohibition of naplm as well as other combustibles.

Ethical Concerns

Civilian Casualties

Naplm usually affects civilians because it is used anyhow. Significant ethical issues arise from a weapon that causes so much sorrowfulness.

Long-Term Consequences

The long-term health and environmental consequences of naplm use raise serious ethical questions about its justification in warfare.

Technological Advancements and Alternatives

Naplm is capable of affecting civilians because it is dispensed indiscriminately. An instrumentality which affords great pain gives rise to weighty ethical questions.

Modern Incendiary Weapons

Advanced materials and delivery systems employed in modern incendiary weapons create similar effects to naplm albeit more precision and control can be realized.

Alternatives to Napalm

Thermobaric Weapons

Heat explosion of high temperature is facilitated by fuel –air explosives utilized to create thermobaric weapons which are more focused and controlled compared to naplm thus minimizing the danger to the lives of average citizens as well as the environment.

White Phosphorus

In modern warfare, white phosphorus is utilized as well as an incendiary substance. It is controversial and subject to similar legal and ethical problems as naplm; however, it serves as a smoke screen or target indicator.


Naplm has distinctly impacted warfare. As far as history goes, this armament has been the most harmful and dangerous in equal measure. There are few technologies as terrifying as this type of weapon due to its potential for destruction everywhere. Understanding the science behind naplm’s actions can help one fathom its unbearable agony on the one hand, while at the same time serve as a basis for discussing whether it is ethical or legal to use it during wars on a different note.

Let naplm’s legacy be a great surprise to world; let it remind people about the war’s nastiness and the importance of regulations on weapons. Besides, as technology grows with time, it becomes necessary to find better ways for fighting wars which do not harm so much; thus we donot want history repeat itself in those particular aspects leading to more sufferings due to naplm’s destructive nature.

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